Monday, August 30, 2010

Meng-Edit gambar

Hehehehe....Di saat org len bz ngan stdy,ak bz ngan edit gambar..hehehehe

Biase la....truja ngan photoshop...hehehehehe..
ak budak baru,
x berape reti sgt edit2 ni...huhuhuhu

hurmm......pls look at my edited pic-caa..hehehehe

cantek x??
biase la..uduh..budak bru blaja

Saturday, August 28, 2010

After the MAT435 Replacement class on Friday [Nuzul Quran]

ensem rupenye ak ni ek??? [perasan] hahahaha
x sgka aku...

btw, class tu best r...bnyk buat revision...
ak sndiri pn ta pnah wt revision...hehehehehe...
urghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next week bnyk kje r nk kne wt...huuhhuhuhu...

signal n system-isnin 30hb
mat435-thursday 3hb

pre-test-circuit analysis 1hb

bel402-rabu-1hb at Akademi Pengajian Bahasa
circuit analysis-sabtu-4hb

Tolongla aku......~

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Snap Snap Kawanku....hahahaha

Sori la sharul..
hehehe..ak snap pic ko....
Sesaje ai first buke pose same2...hehehe...

Kenangan kowt...
hehehe..bkn sllu bleh mkn sesame...stahun skali j....silap...sbulan je..hehehehe
ble ag nk mkn sesame..asyik bz jek..

Snap kt lam PTAR...sesaje je....
hehehe...x mrh kn????
Rilex r bro....
ko kn suke amk gmbor..hehehehe....

kejenye tdoQ.....lpas smyg zuhur j,tdoQ...xde koje len..hahahaha
tiap2 hri kowt..tawla ampa pose...kami pn pose gak...
pastu lmbt la g klas...hahahaha
membuta ja koje...hahahaha
klau wat kursus smyang jnazah pn oke gak ni...
rmai model available...hahahaha-

berbuke posee d Restoran Putera Ayu

hum.....mknn cket.....
.pngurus x pndai bjet...ade ke ptut 1 hidangan kcik j utk mkn 6 org...
at least 4 org...ape r..
last2 mkn nsi kosong ng kuah...
ksedihan gler.....mlm 2 kna g mkn 1 trip lg kt McD...kmi x pgi kwn2 kami pgi...
ksian gler.....huhuhuuhu...

Tp kmi rasa hepi...sbb just 2 org j kwn kami x dpt pgi...cuz de hal
Kmi rsa hepiiii sgt2.....wlaupn kmi tau kmi de kt cni 4thun..hehehehe...
tp nk gak rase buke pose skali utk 1st time...hehehhee...
Thank to Hamizwan Hamir for the management....
For the place and the transport..
also lots of thanks to Najmi Afiq n Ameerul Faisal....
For providing the transportation...huhuhu..
To all members of EE2401A, thanks a lot for participating...
Luv u all,guyz...MMMMuaaahhHHHHH..

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